How To Run Your First Cross-browser Test?

browser test

We all know software applications are an essential part of this digital era, and software applications require a platform for their performance. There is a combination of devices and browsers used by the end users. Hence, the developers and testers must ensure their developed software application functions correctly on all those combinations. This can be guaranteed by performing cross browser testing on software applications.

Cross-browser testing is a software testing technique in which software application compatibility with the combination of various devices, browsers, and browser versions is ensured. However, testing software applications on multiple devices can be a time-consuming task along with the requirement of effort. To overcome this issue, testers and developers use test automation tools to test software applications.

Test automation tools are special tools designed to test software applications with less human interference, which thereby saves time and effort along with minimizing human errors and increasing efficiency. Also, test automation allows its users to test software applications on various devices and browser combinations without the need for an actual physical device. It saves the cost of device setup and allows testers to work from remote locations.

This article will help you to run your first cross-browser test, and to make your test experience more effective and efficient; we will be using a test automation tool that will thereby let you carry out the testing procedure with very little effort.

What Is Cross-browser Testing?

With the advancement in technology and increase in the use of software applications for carrying out every task, there are hundreds of software application users present all over the world with their own preferred combination of devices, operating systems, and browsers combination. It is the job of a tester and developer to develop a software application that can provide the best user experience on any of the user’s preferred device combinations. For the same, cross-browser testing is used.

Cross-browser testing is a software testing technique that lets a developer or tester verify and validate that their developed software application is working fine and is compatible with various browsers and operating system combinations. Cross-browser testing also enables the tester and developers to interact with their developed website on various devices and ensure that their functionalities work seamlessly.

Cross-browser testing plays a vital role while conducting software application testing as it helps in identifying defects and malfunctioning of the software application across multiple devices, browsers, and browser versions and thereby fixing these issues. Also, with the help of cross-browser testing, it can be ensured that even those who are differently abled can access the software application and use it conveniently.

Features Of Automated Cross-browser Testing

  • Efficiency: The use of automated cross-browser testing ensures that the software applications are compatible across multiple devices, browsers, operating systems, and browser versions in very little time without the need for human interference, which thereby increases its efficiency.
  • Consistency: Performing automated cross-browser testing provides consistent testing conditions as in cross-browser testing, predefined test cases are written, which thereby eliminates the risk of human error.
  • Reusability: In automated cross-browser testing, the developers and testers can reuse the test scripts for future testing without the need to rewrite them multiple times. This reduces the efforts required for writing test cases several times, thus saving time.
  • Broder coverage: Automated cross-browser testing allows the tester and developer to test their software application on multiple devices and browsers without the need for an actual physical device. This increases the overall test coverage.
  • Early Issue Detection: Automated cross-browser testing does not require human interference, and therefore, development and testing can be done simultaneously. This helps in the easy detection of defects present in the software application at the early stage of the software application development.

Running Your First Cross-Browser Testing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Cross-browser testing is an essential process for ensuring that software applications work seamlessly across a variety of devices and browsers. Whether you’re a tester or developer, you can easily perform automated cross-browser testing by following these outlined steps:

Step 1: Selecting Your Automation Tool

Begin by choosing an appropriate automation tool that matches your testing requirements. For newcomers in the field, opting for a freely available tool compatible with multiple programming languages is recommended. Popular automation tools like Selenium, Cucumber, and Puppeteer are widely used by testers and developers. You can leverage the true capability of cross-browser testing and the above tools in a cloud-based platform like LambdaTest. It functions as a comprehensive platform for orchestrating and executing tests, enabling both manual and automated cross-browser and cross-device testing for web and mobile applications. This is achieved by utilizing an on-demand array of real browsers, devices, and operating systems within its scalable cloud infrastructure.

Notable Features:

  • Diverse Automation Compatibility: Perform automation tests using various programming languages and frameworks across a browser farm containing over 3000 authentic desktop and mobile environments.
  • Real-Time Cross Browser Testing: Conduct real-time cross-browser testing via the Real Device Cloud.
  • HyperExecute: Accelerate your test automation with HyperExecute, a cutting-edge, high-speed end-to-end test orchestration cloud solution.
  • Test at Scale: Leverage Test At Scale, an open-source platform for test selection and management. This enables faster testing, shorter job durations, and prompt feedback on code commits.
  • Smart Visual Regression Testing: Employ cloud-based Smart Visual Regression Testing to pinpoint visual inconsistencies.
  • Extensive Integrations: Benefit from 120+ third-party integrations with tools spanning CI/CD, Project Management, Codeless Automation, and more.
  • Localhost Testing: Perform testing on web and mobile applications hosted on localhost.
  • Geolocation Testing: Test web and mobile applications across 53+ geographical locations.
  • LT Browser 2.0: Utilize the Chromium-based LT Browser 2.0 for responsive testing across more than 50 pre-installed device viewports, ensuring faster testing of responsive design.

Step 2: Setting Up Your Test Environment

After selecting your automation tool, the next phase involves configuring your test environment. This encompasses integrating your software application with the chosen automation tool. Additionally, it entails installing and configuring frameworks, libraries, packages, and other dependencies essential for successful software application testing.

Step 3: Crafting Your Test Scripts

Proceed to create test cases that align with the features of your software application needing testing. These test cases should be crafted in a manner that clearly communicates the testing objectives. Once the test cases are developed, categorize them into specific test suites based on their functionality.

Step 4: Identifying Target Browsers

Given the multitude of browsers and versions available, it’s impractical to test on all of them. In this step, testers and developers identify the browsers most popular among end users. These selected browsers serve as the testing platform for evaluating software application compatibility.

Step 5: Adapting Cross-Browser Scripts

During this phase, modify your written test scripts to ensure seamless testing across the chosen browsers. This adaptation ensures comprehensive testing of the software application’s functions, regardless of the browser or version used.

Step 6: Executing Tests

With test scripts in place and the testing environment configured, proceed to execute the test cases. Test script execution highlights any bugs or defects that could compromise the software application’s performance. It also verifies whether the application functions smoothly across all selected browsers.

Step 7: Debugging and Refinement

Conclude the automated cross-browser testing process by addressing issues uncovered during test case execution. Utilize the debugging capabilities of your chosen automation tool to diagnose and resolve identified problems. Once issues are resolved, refine the test cases and execute them again to ensure a bug-free software application.

By following these steps, you can successfully run your first cross-browser testing, guaranteeing a seamless user experience across various browsers and devices.

Optimal Approaches for Automated Cross-browser Testing

Automated cross-browser testing can significantly enhance user experience and ensure the quality of your software application when the following recommended strategies are adhered to.

Maintainable Test Scripts: A vital aspect of effective cross-browser testing involves crafting test cases that remain easily adaptable to evolving requirements and new software features. This adaptability should be achieved without necessitating a complete overhaul of test scripts.

Parallel Testing: While executing test cases across multiple platforms is crucial for thorough cross-browser testing, it can be time-consuming. To address this challenge, adopting parallel testing is ideal. This entails running multiple test cases concurrently to expedite the process.

Regular Updates: Given the frequent integration of novel features and technological advancements into software applications, it’s imperative to consistently update the tools and frameworks utilized for automated cross-browser testing. This practice ensures accurate testing of new functionalities.

Visual Regression Testing: Beyond standard compatibility testing across various browsers, incorporating visual regression testing is pivotal. This specialized testing validates that the software application maintains a uniform appearance across all browsers, thereby guaranteeing a seamless user experience.

CI/CD Integration: Integrating cross-browser testing within a CI/CD pipeline is paramount. This integration facilitates automated testing whenever updates or code changes are introduced to the software application.

Cross-device Testing: Extending testing efforts beyond browsers is essential to ascertain comprehensive functionality. Browsers might behave differently when installed on diverse devices. Thus, comprehensive testing involves assessing the software application across multiple devices, encompassing various operating systems and browser combinations.


Automated cross-browser testing is an essential part of any software application testing procedure as it verifies the correctness and accuracy of the software application. It also verifies and validates that the developed software application is effective, efficient, and as expected according to the Software Specification requirement, thus providing a seamless user experience to the end users.

It is highly in demand among developers and software because it can conduct testing procedures with the need for very little human interference and no actual physical device, which thereby reduces the overall cost, time, and effort along with the increase of test coverage.

As a beginner, you can run your first cross-browser test by following up the steps provided in this article, and to make your software application more effective and efficient, you must follow the best practices mentioned above. 

