5 Common Myths About Starting a Business and Why You Shouldn’t Believe Them


Many people dream of having a business but are afraid to start due to various reasons. But, if you look closer at these “reasons”, you’ll realise that a lot of them are actually fiction instead of facts. This means that, if you believe any of these myths, you’re essentially stopping yourself from grabbing a huge opportunity  because of baseless myths. We’ve listed below some examples of business startup myths that you should never believe:

Myth #1: You need to have millions

Setting up a business does require money, but this doesn’t mean that you should wait to become a millionaire before you take any step. By starting small but thinking big, you can get your business off the ground and make the required improvements to eventually transform it into a successful and profitable company. To fund the startup process, you can apply for business loans in Sydney and use the proceeds to get the space, staff, and equipment that you need.

Myth #2: You need loads of training and experience

It can be helpful to have a business degree and extensive entrepreneurial experience, but they’re not a requirement. What you do need to have to achieve success is the willingness to learn as you go. You must also have the flexibility to adapt to changes and the ability to extract lessons from your mistakes.

Myth #3: Your product/service should be 100 percent original

The business world greatly rewards originality, which is why would-be entrepreneurs believe that they must reinvent the wheel. But take note that this isn’t really the case! A one-of-a-kind idea will certainly be lauded by many, but what matters more to consumers is that your product or service works well in real life and delivers on what it promises. So, if you believe that your business idea isn’t original enough, shake the hesitation off and try to see how it will perform as an actual business. You might be surprised with how it will win your consumers over and earn impressive profits.

Myth #4: You have to start your business at the perfect time

The truth is that there’s no “perfect” time to start a business. Don’t wait for the economy to get better; depending on your product or service, you might find that it would be greatly welcomed by consumers who’ll use it to save money or become more productive. You don’t even have to wait until you quit your job before working on your startup! In fact, experts agree that it’s better to hold on to your full-time job and start a business on the side. This way, you’ll enjoy income security while waiting for your business to take off and become profitable.

Myth #5: Your financial situation will improve right away

Having a business is a tested and proven path to financial security. But, while you can eventually stabilise your finances as an entrepreneur, your life definitely won’t change overnight and you’ll likely have to face numerous challenges before you can start earning a decent salary. The hard work will be worth it, though, when the time comes to reap the rewards that entrepreneurship brings.

Don’t let these myths prevent you from setting up a business! Instead, use them to stoke the fires of your passion to create a profitable company and prove that running a business shouldn’t just be a pipe dream.

